Tired of Working Too Hard?
Putting Your Kids Second? (again)
Considering Going Back to Work  so that You Can Make Some "REAL" Money?
Guess what. 

Focused ACTion really does make a difference.

But it is hard to do it alone. 
So I've created WAHM in Focus to provide you with simple Weekly FOCUS ACTion Steps that will help you to make your business and family life...
  • more efficient
  • easier
  • less stressful
The secret is in setting yourself up and working at doing the right things - the right way... rather than working hard at the wrong things - the wrong way.

By signing up for your
free subscription to WAHM in Focus,
every Friday you will receive...
  • a full 8 Week Foundational Series to help you to take care of the basics and create the mindset that any successful home business owner needs to have.
At the end of the Foundational Series you will receive...
  • a Weekly Focus - a pfd download that outlines simple ACTion tasks you can take for the week that will help to improve your productivity based on my own business experience and challenges in the field (and office, and the car... :0).
It could be an... 
  • Organization or time management task that will truly make operating your business easier and faster.
  • Good business practices that will help you to grow your income.
  • Something that you can DO to make it better.
  • 1 week per month is KAIZEN week - a small 5 minute improvement every day - the results can be startling...
I like to think with my computer tablet and pen, so some weeks you will receive...
  • Actual brainstorming sessions in pdf form that you can apply to your own business.
  • An companion audio to help explain in fuller detail.
All in all, every week you will receive a little something to keep you motivated, on track ad most importantly - in ACTion to take your business forward - one step at a time.

And it's free. One of the best deals on the internet! 


Why Friday?
I like to send out your core weekly Focus on Friday. That way if you have more work time over the weekends you can get started. If you don't, you can have your wheels spinning so that you will be ready to take ACTion on Monday.
You will receive a second email on Monday to remind you of our Weekly Focus topic and let you in on any news, items of interest or resources in the work at home productivity field. Monday's are also the day that you will receive your pdf download if there is one for that week.
Collect them all and you can easily make a workbook for yourself jam packed full of quick ideas that you can use anytime to improve your business.

As a subscriber you will also receive big savings on my products as well as your own FREE blank Home Biz BOOST template with instructions to make it work for your business.

Personalize it to become your own best productivity tool.
It's my number one, can't do without, sanity and business saver! You'll also receive a deep discount on the complete system that I created and use myself. 
Why WAHM in Focus?
Because I am one!
9 years of working online, plus a few before that working with various direct selling companies has given me a lot of time to experience the challenges and to find solutions.

And because my primary goal in offering my work at home resources was to help parents to cope with working at home and raising a family - to save as many as I can from going through the same chaos that my family and I went through during the early years of my business - the same chaos that still creeps in if I don't kick it's butt!

I believe that to do this you need to work at creating balance between your work and home life, and you need to optimize your working habits and environment to give you the best advantages possible - you NEED to focus.

You don't need to be a mom or a dad to benefit from your subscription - you need only to have a home business of your own and a desire to become more efficient and productive so that you can get it all done AND live the life you imagined when you first started down this crazy road - with no regrets. 


You can feel better at the end of the day...
and start looking forward to what you can
achieve tomorrow.

Claim Your Free Access to WAHM in FOCUS

What Have You Got to Lose? Besides More Time...

Your privacy is protected and your email address will only be used by me to communicate with you about WAHM related subjects.

It's the little things that add up to big changes
Easily improve your business and get more done - one day at a time. 

Your partner in ACTion,

  The "Queen of KAOS"

No thanks.

I prefer to pass on Weekly Focus ACTion tips and other WAHM in Focus resources at this time.
I'd like to continue on to Jan's Work at Home Mom blog - WAHM! I Never Saw It Coming - for tips and information from 'the trenches' and other places she goes for a little privacy and productive work at home  time - or not...

Copyright Jan Ferrante - Queen of KAOS 2009