Queen of KAOS

Hitting The Wall 

I'm so tired and uninspired." Jessica Rabbit
That's how it feels to "hit the wall". Sound familiar?

Some days we feel willing enough, but just are not able to focus... to get in the groove.

Our mind wanders, our bodies follow.

We want to get back to work. We want to accomplish our goals and move ahead.

But we just can't seem to clear the fog. What's up?

This is an almost sure fire symptom of overload, overwork or over due. Over due for a break! Also known as "hitting the wall".

Sometimes 5 minutes and a cup of tea will work wonders. Sometimes an hour to go for a walk or take a nap will get us clear.

Sometimes we need more than that. We need a real break. Maybe even a holiday. A real holiday.

Merely shutting off the computer for a full day or two can make us feel like we've touched down on a new planet.

Moving instead of sitting, seeing new sites that may be in front of us every day.

Cleaning our desk and office.

Anything that renews us will expand us and show benefits in our focus and concentration.

Taking a break is as important as anything else in time management. We must give ourselves good nutrition, enough rest, enough exercise and fresh air, a variety of things to stimulate our senses.

As a matter of fact, the time taken off will almost always show itself in better results, better ideas and better productivity.

So don't be afraid to take some downtime. In fact, insist on it.

A change may be better than a rest, but there is nothing wrong with a rest for a change.

More Resources
Next Action Rules - clear the fog through simple and clear next action David Allen style.
Queen of KAOS at Home Blog

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