Queen of KAOS

How To Conquer Clutter

Feeling frustrated in your battle with clutter?  Learn how to conquer clutter once and for all.

Clutter has been a reoccuring problem for me for most of my adult life, getting far worse of course after my kids came along. I'm sure you have a good idea what I'm talking about.

Until I learned how to conquer clutter, our family lived as captives, captives of too much clutter!

I remember discussing this with my sister before having a grasp of what the real problem was. We each had small kids at the time, and would moan about how much time we spent cleaning, but it never looked much better because all we where doing was moving things around.

We where literally in a "jail" of stuff.

We had to learn how to "conquer clutter" to get out!

Our houses were jam packed and that was the underlying problem of our difficulty.

I don't have to tell you how detrimenatal clutter can be.

It saps our energy, creating a never ending cycle of mess.

It creates a "cluttered mind" as well as house, who can think straight when all you see is all the work you should be doing and fearing who might come to the door before you get around to it?

It takes away our ability to breath, to relax and feel good about ourselves.

And I don't even want to think about how it effects our kids - in many of the same ways as us I would suspect - and I wonder how many temper tantrums and bad attitudes are caused merely by overwhelm of environment and stress caused by "too much" and not being able to find things.


The main cause of clutter is of course to much clutter.

But if it's that simple, why do we have it? Why not just get rid of the stuff? It should be easy, shouldn't it?

And isn't that the million dollar question.

There are a few common reasons.


I personally find that even when I consciously try to get rid of clutter, it just keeps pouring in. So I have learned to be very selective about what I will accept and how to say no.

And how to select what I really need and what will just collect dust.

And to look at what I already have.

And to get in the habit of getting rid of something for everything I bring in - a very effective strategy - otherwise it keeps building and you are on a never ending struggle with clutter.


How will I know how to conquer clutter if I don't even know it's clutter?

There are a few common rules when choosing clutter - do you need it, do you use it, do you love it?

How much stuff do you have that doesn't fit that criteria? Even gifts must fall into these catagories, if not, give yourself a gift and give it away to someone who really will need it, use it or love it.


A big reason we have clutter is related to the point above, we become so used to it that we don't even notice it anymore. We trip over it, clean around it, generally live with it.

Look at your house with a new eye when you are decluttering - pretend you are visiting for the first time, or that you are at someone elses house (better yet, get someone else who will be honest with you to help you, they will tell you right off what doesn't belong!)


This tip can save you a lot of money as well as stress in dealing with clutter.

When you're at the store, ask yourself BEFORE you buy, do you really need it?

And more importantly, where are you going to keep it, and what is going to go out the door to make room for it. Sometimes asking yourself these questions is all it will take to see you putting it back on the shelf (it makes can I afford it seem the last question to ask!)

It's a very effective method if you want to know how to conquer clutter.

Her's another one...


This goes big time for dealing with kids.

As I mentioned, they benefit greatly by not having to deal with clutter too. Teach them early about it.

And don't be afraid to say no when they really don't need something. And don't forget to give them a learning opportunity - to start small now before they get to the big stuff later (and have kids of their own).

Ask them what they are going to get rid of if they buy to make room. This process over time will see a lot of junk go out the door and be replaced with toys and belongings that they really do love.

When they get to that point, you can give them a little more room with what comes in, but until then, it's very effective.

NOTE: Don't turn it into a power struggle, which can happen easily, especially as you introduce this new routine.

You know your child better than anyone. Don't give in unnecessarily, but don't make your child give up their blankie for a new book either :0)

Follow your gut and negotiate if necessary. The more they can "own" the decision, the better it will go, and the more effectively they will learn a new, lifelong skill.


A few years ago, my answer definitely was the clutter monster!

Clutter is a real problem, as if I have to tell you. It has the power to reduce the quality, the joy and our productivity that we get from every day living. It can take over our lives, without us even noticing.

At some point, we know what we need to do... get rid of the clutter... but how?

I struggled with this for years. Making a good stab at it here and there but it never lasted.

Then I found that getting in the habit of decluttering really helped a lot. Our house became more livable but I still wasn't getting rid of enough to make it optimal... really peaceful... and ready to decorate!


One day I came upon a book called "Declutter Fast" by Mimi Tanner. I tried it out on my bedroom one Saturday. It had become a little out of control but I really thought I would have very little to do there. WRONG!

In a few hours I had taken bags full of stuff out of the bedroom, even my husband remarked upon how good it looked. The peace I felt when I walked into the room was so relaxing, I wanted to do the same thing to every space in my house.

Talk about motivated. I am hooked! 

Now I spend a few hours on the weekend using the book to declutter either a room or an area of a room - a shelf, cupboard, storage area etc.

It's nothing short of a miracle how much better it looks when I'm finished. It's easy. And it is fun. I actually look forward to doing it and seeing the before and after.

The big surprise for me was that I realized that all this time I needed to learn how to conquer clutter. I thought it was a straight forward task, but I hadn't been doing it right all this time.

Mimi gives you a few different methods you can use that suit your style, I guarantee, if you use it, you will see a difference. And you will fall in love with your house all over again.

It isn't complicated to do, that is one thing I love about it. If it isn't simple, it doesn't work for me. That's my motto.


Don't get too teared up about it :0)

Clutter is one of the major causes of unhappiness and disfunction in a home.

It can be the result of a lot of things, but it can be conquered with less effort than you might think.

As a mom myself, who has had many obstacles in the past, I can personally recommend this book and that you use it faithfully, you will see a huge turn around for yourself and your family.

Learning how to conquer clutter is the first step (it's just a method that can be learned like anything else, is that a relief?), you can do it quickly and keep it that way with this book.

After that, it just keeps getting better. You will have time to do what you want. Go further and paint or decorate.

As hard to believe as it may seem, you can do something else besides being consumed by the chores that you need to do or should be doing to keep the clutter under control.

You can finally consider and actually do things you've been wanting to do - get a job, take a course, take up that hobby you've been wanting to do, or pick up where you left off 10 years ago!

The sky is the limit, you just need to learn how to conquer clutter and get it out of the way first.
You can learn how to conquer clutter.

I am.


Order Mimi's book -
"Declutter Fast" today and get started.

Let me know that you have ordered it and I will send you my own worksheets that I made for myself to use to make it even easier to use the book. It take these around with me room to room, it makes it a snap.

Need some help creating the habit of using book?

I know that is a real challenge, so I will also include "Time Management for Mom's" for free.

Just email me after your purchase (I don't get notification with your contact info, Mimi does so you need to take this step to get your bonus's that will really take you to the next step in getting rid of your clutter.)

Get your copy of
"Declutter Fast" and email me for your free instant bonus package right now, don't spend one more day feeling overwhelmed and controlled when you can learn how to conquer clutter the easy way.

I was a mom who let clutter control my family. Today I am clutter free. All it takes is knowing how and having the will to do it. If I can do it, you can learn how to conquer clutter too.  Jan Ferrante - The Queen of KAOS

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