Queen of KAOS

How To Save Money

What is the number one success factor that you need to save money?

You need to have is self discipline


Does the mere thought of it make you cringe?

The reality is that using self discipline will set you free. 

Following are a few practical ways to save money, using self discipline to keep you on track. None of these ideas will work without it.

Go through your list of monthly bills and see how you can reduce each one.  Many large companies are regularly running specials that we never know about. A quick call could save you a lot of cash.
Be sure that you are aware of your rates before using a new service as well. My husband once ran up a $1,000.00 cell phone bill when he was working in the US because he didn't know that the charges to call to Canada where very high, and he likes to talk on the phone. Obviously.

Take advantage of offers that come through the door for services that you use. 

Call all the car or home insurance companies and get them to beat each others offers. 

If you think outside the box and consistantly work to lower your monthly costs then you are going in the right direction.  And that is always your goal, even if it just one small improvement at a time.

If you have good credit then you are in a good position to shop around for a better rate car loan or a better mortgage. 
If you need help to fix your credit, log onto the three credit companies - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. 
These will give you practical information on how to fix your credit so that you can get those monthly costs down by either consolidating your debts or replacing them with loans over a longer lending period or with a better interest.  Again, be careful you don't end up paying more.

Have a look at all the things that can buy cheaper.  There are lots of ways to spend less on the things you buy on a regular basis if you take a little bit of time by either finding sales, coupons or special offers or buying it somewhere else where it is cheaper. 
Look at your budgeting system. Is it too complicated, slow or hard to use. Do you have one at all?
I am a big fan of the envelope system. I also have always thought that I need a register similar to a checkbook register that would cover all of my purchases.
Credit card purchases can be killers as there is no way to budget them unless you have reached your credit limit. At that point, you are probably already spending far too much on interest to be financially in a good spot.
I found a perfect solution for the modified checkbook register at budget map.
All of these ideas are common sense and you have probably considered most of them before. But somehow we often buy before we think. 

If you really want to save money, take action right now. Choose one thing and start with that. Then another. It's a step in the right direction.

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Mom Has Fun 120 Day Home Study Course -sharpen your parenting skills and make it fun for the kids - and you!
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