Queen of KAOS

Quick Tips to Save
on Your Grocery Budget

Below are some quick tips to save on your grocery budget.  Changing just a few shopping habits can result in huge savings on our grocery spending every week.

 Most of these ideas are quite easy and take little effort, just some awareness and a little time.
It's amazing how just one or two changes can mean big savings, and big changes in our lives over the long run.
  • buy the items on sale - shop the flyers
  • buy cheaper brands - most are just as good
  • BUT be careful of store brand or value products that are cheaper imitations of the real thing.  Some items just aren't worth it. I find this with the dairy at our local store as well as mayonnaise. I'm a fan of the "real thing" so I'm willing to pay for it.  I'm a fan of the "real thing" so I'm willing to pay for it.  Buy it when you have a coupon and you get your mayonnaise and eat it too!
  • buy in bulk - plan your menus around this also, just be sure it isn't going to go bad or result in more eating of junkie things. 
  • items that are reduced to clear - get to know when and where your local grocery stores puts them out.
  • avoid impulsive buying - never go grocery shopping when you are feeling hungry or without a list.
  • shop different stores to find the bargains - as long as they aren't too much out of your way, this can result in huge savings.
  • be weary of supermarket tricks - like raising the price of a popular brand for about two weeks then price cutting to just below the original price to make it look like it's on special offer. 
  • shop in season - watch, track and learn what is cheap and when. Can and freeze and make ahead when ever possible. A little time now can save a lot of money later.
  • buy one and get one free  - this can be a great deal but if you simply consume more, it won't be saving much at all. Watch for offers on things that you probably won't go overboard on like toilet paper, toothpaste and canned tuna :0) 
  • watch the coupons - they are a great way to save money on groceries but if you're buying things you normally wouldn't buy or twice as much to get the special sale price then you may actually end up spending more.  Also watch that the coupon offers are not higher priced items than the store brands.
  • use a cash system - bring the amount of money you have budgeted after planning your list around the specials. Specials used to always trip me up and make me go over budget. If they are already on your list, you're covered.
  • leave the kids at home - this tip can save me hundreds of dollars in unplanned and unwanted (by me) purchases in a month, seriously.

More Resources
Saving Money on Groceries - more ideas for saving money on groceries.

This system works because it isn't so much WHAT you buy,
it's HOW you buy it
Free Grocery Price Book included - THE key to saving grocery dollars, 50 simple recipes with personal notes, and an interview with a grocery store manager with the "inside dirt" that we all need to know to clean up at the grocery store.
Get it now... save at your next trip to the grocery store.

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