Queen of KAOS

Everyday Tips to Lower Your Monthly Bills

Every time I look at our budget, I am very motivated to lower our monthly bills.

How about you?


Every month, when you sit down to pay the bills do you wonder how in the world you're spending so much? 
This is a common scenario for most families. 
The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to lower your monthly bills, done consistantly, you will see a difference at bill time.

  • Always shop around.  Utility companies and many other big companies are in fierce competition with each other, use it to your advantage and shop around for the best savings. Don't think you have to stick with a company that you aren't happy with. 
  • Leave the Car at Home - Don't pay the outrageous fees for gas.  If possible try to walk, you can also consider taking the bus or carpooling. When filling up the car, shop around for competive rates. If possible, using your bike is fun and extremely helpful to get you in shape to boot. My personal feeling is that there should be a lot more bike trails and access on roadways for bicycles to make it easier for us to use them instead of the car.
  • Lower Your Thermostat - If it's cold in the house don't just automatically switch the heating to high.  Put on an extra sweater and pair of socks instead.  Moving around will warm you up as well, do something that requires movement in the early mornings, then switch later when it is warmer.
  • Avoid Using Your Dryer - Dryers waste a lot of electricity which means higher bills for you.  Try to hang up your clothes instead.  This not only saves you money on electricity but will help some of your clothes last longer as well. Indoor clothes racks work well, or clothes lines on a pole work well if you can't hang a clothes line. Get creative. My sister hangs hers on hangers in her bathroom. In the winter, I hang mine in our kitchen on chairs and various things we have that work. We have a woodstove so
    they are dry by morning. I far prefer this to the extra $100.00 monthly it costs to use the dryer all the time. And it keeps the house better humidified as well.  I have always been a big supporter of hanging laundry instead of using the dryer, I love it so much, I wrote about it The Queen of KAOS on Hanging Laundry
  • Make Sure It's Full - Don't use your washing machine or dishwasher when it's half empty.  Play around with the temperature settings to see if a lower temperature will do the job just as well as the pricier higher one. I always use the cold cycle except when doing "extreme laundry", which isn't very often. I really see no difference in the end result and it seems the general consensus that cold wash is as good as hot or warm, and cheaper!
  • Turn Off the Lights - Your father was right.  Turn off the lights you're not using to save electricity.  If you're just relaxing try lighting candles instead, this will save money and create a nice atmosphere (make sure you follow all safety guidelines). Also, the new flourescent bulbs are said to use much less hydro and last longer.  An adjustable bulb lamp in a room can be used on low as well when you just want a bit of light.  Don't forget to use a nightlight if you leave a light on for your kids at night in the bathroom or hallway for instance.
  • Lower Your Water Bill -Try to take showers instead of baths.  Turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth.  Collect rain water and recycle it to water the plants. Make sure your faucets aren't dripping.  Use a bowl full of water when doing the dishes instead of leaving the tap running. Set the hot water temperature no higher than 120F or 49C. I find even that to be a little too hot. You will find this tip and many other excellent energy saving tips at this website Alberta Energy Solutions.
  • Change the Setting - Set your thermostats a couple of degrees lower in the winter and a couple of degrees higher in the summer for a big savings on your utility bills. Plan your activities by time of day in the coolest rooms in the summer, warmest in the winter.  Heavy curtains and plastic on the windows in the winter (you can make your own inserts if you don't want to staple) do wonders in the winter, blinds and curtains also keep the indoors much cooler in the summer.  Monitor your windows as well, open them in the morning, close them at night (don't leave lower level windows open at night, always keep your home and family's security in mind, sad but true).
  •  Filter Your Water - Investing in a good water filtering system can save you money on buying bottled water.  It will also help you save money by making your appliances last longer due to lower lime scale buildup in hard water areas.  You can even use less detergent when washing clothes or using the dishwasher.
  • Don't Buy Disposable - Try to cut back on your shopping bills by not buying disposable items such as paper towels, use a clean dish cloth instead.  Try to reuse your aluminum foil or sandwich bag containers or better yet buy plastic containers you can wash and reuse.

Following these tips, you can make a significantly lower your monthly bills. As an added bonus, you'll also be contributing towards a healthier environment for your children and grandchildren to enjoy.
That is priceless.

More Resources
Cut It Out - dare to be different... and save money!

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